Biohazards / Chemicals / Radioactives


Chapter 7

Section: 7:500

Biohazards / Chemicals / Radioactives

ADOPTED:                             n/a (03/1999 for 7:050 – Haz Mat only)

REVISED:                               12/20/2021

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE:         MU Environmental Health & Safety



The University of Missouri (MU) is responsible for developing and implementing programs and policies to ensure that MU is in compliance with all applicable environmental health and safety regulations and provides a safe work environment for faculty, staff, students, and visitors as outlined in the Collected Rules & Regulations.

Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) has oversight of environmentally hazardous areas including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Biohazards
  • Chemicals
  • Radioactives


  • A biological agent or condition that is a hazard to humans or the environment.
  • Hazardous Chemical. A substance or combination of substances that because of its quantity, concentration, physical, chemical, or explosive characteristics poses a substantial present or potential danger to humans or the environment.
  • Non-Hazardous Chemical. A substance or combination of substances that does not pose a direct threat to human health or the environment.
  • Ionizing Radiation Sources. Radioactive materials and radiation-generating machines.
  • RGM. Radiation Generating Machines (i.e., x-ray equipment).
  • RML. Broad Scope Radioactive Material License issued to MU by the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) that includes campus and MU Health Care (MU Research Reactor operates under a separate NRC RML).



  • Statutory Compliance. Develop programs and policies to ensure that MU is in compliance with all laws and applicable regulations; to ensure the health and safety of its students, faculty and staff; and to ensure the proper use, storage, and disposal of biological, chemical, radioactive materials, and any other hazardous materials.
  • Training & Documentation. Provide faculty, staff, and students with the relevant rules, the necessary training, and the appropriate resources to comply with standards and regulations, to maintain an appropriately safe work environment, and to maintain appropriate documentation that standards and regulations are being met.


  • Comply with Rules and Regulations. Faculty, staff and students at the University of Missouri have the responsibility and obligation to act in accordance with all applicable federal and state regulations.
    • It is the responsibility of individual faculty, staff, and students to be informed of applicable rules and regulations and to comply with these rules and regulations. Failure to comply with these rules and regulations constitutes possible grounds for dismissal of students and termination for cause of faculty and staff.
    • In unusual situations where the University is exempt from regulatory jurisdiction due to its status as a government entity, faculty, staff, and students still have an obligation for knowledge of the risk and meeting the intent of the regulations.
    • It is also the responsibility of individual faculty, staff and students having actual knowledge that the actions of visitors are in violation of applicable rules and regulations to inform the visitor(s) of that known fact and to take reasonable steps in an effort to stop such action.


  • Deans / Directors / Department Heads and their Designees. Those with Biohazards, Chemicals, and/or Radioactives must coordinate with EHS regarding regulatory compliance requirements including, but not limited to:
    • Communicate with EHS when transportation is required.
    • Communicate with EHS to purchase radioactive materials under the RML.
    • Communicate with EHS before RGM equipment suspected of containing or contaminated with Ionizing Radiation Sources is moved, released, or transferred.
    • Document and manage Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Chemical inventory, including but not limited to:
      • Post applicable hazard communication signage.
      • Provide proper storage conditions (i.e., segregation / safety cabinets / compatible containers, etc.).
      • Communicate with EHS to dispose of unwanted, excess, and expired chemicals.
    • Provide Personal Protective Equipment per PPE policy.
    • Provide safety culture with chemicals per Lab Safety policy.
    • Comply with BPPM 7:100 Health & Safety Responsibilities policy, including but not limited to areas such as Fiscal, Notification, Training, and Planning, Design, & Construction.


Federal Policy:

MU Policy:

  • BPPM 1:090 Fund Raising Activities By Student Organizations (2015)
  • BPPM 3.180 Radioactive Materials (Purchasing) (2007)
  • BPPM 6.025 Radioactive Materials in Equipment Transferred or Released for Surplus & Salvage (1998)
  • BPPM 7:001 Environmental Health & Safety (2021)
  • BPPM 7:100 Health & Safety Responsibilities (2021)
  • BPPM 7:400 Laboratory Safety (2021)
  • BPPM 7:500 Personal Protective Equipment (2021)



For additional information about any safety or health related policy or guideline, refer to the EHS web site or contact us at / (573) 882-7018.