Fund Raising Activities By Student Organizations

April 2015
Chapter 1

Section: 1:090

Fund Raising Activities By Student Organizations

Adopted:  04/2015
Revised:  XX/XX/XXXX

Responsible Office
MU Operations


These regulations and procedures pertain to any income producing activity by student organizations, whether or not the activity realizes a profit. University regulations having implications for fund raising activities by student organizations follow.


Use of Buildings, Ground & Facilities

All current “use of facilities” policies and regulations shall remain in effect.

  • Any student organization or enterprise which declares a dividend among its members or from which members derive financial profit may use University buildings or grounds, under the same conditions as non-student groups.
  • The use of University facilities should not imply an endorsement of any individual group or organization, and the name of the University shall not be identified in any way with the aims, policies, programs, products, or opinions of any individual, group, or organization which may meet in University buildings or on University grounds in accordance with these regulations.
  • Written permits for the temporary use of University grounds, buildings, or rooms therein for any purpose other than regularly scheduled classroom work must be secured in advance from MU Reservations (884- 8793), 54 Memorial Union. All classes, meetings, or assemblages of any sort held in University buildings or on University grounds are subject to all U.S. and Missouri laws and University requirements, rules and regulations. In addition, all groups are expected to take proper care of the facility and observe the simple rules of courtesy, decency, and good manners at all times. Any failure to abide by these requirements may cause permission for use of the facility to be withdrawn at any time, or for future permission for use of any University facilities to be denied.
  1. Submit Request – A recognized student organization desiring to engage in a fundraising activity on the MU campus must submit a Fundraising Request and Event Planning Form to the Office of the Dean of Students, 2500 MU Student Center, no later than one week prior to the proposed date of the activity. The organization must provide:
    • A description of the activity.
    • The proposed date and location.
    • A detailed budget of all anticipated costs and project income.
    • A written proposal of how the new income is to be spent.
  2. Reserve Facilities – After tentative approval of the activity from the Center for Student Involvement, a reservation for user of the desired facility should be submitted to Auxiliary and Service Operations, 218 Heinkel Building.
    • The appropriate reservation form should be signed by the building coordinator of the facility which is to be used for the fund raising activity.
    • In cases involving the use of the Missouri Unions, reservations should be made through the reservations secretary at the Union.
  3. Student Organizations, Government and Activities (SOGA) Recommendation – If the request is questionable, the student organization may be asked to attend the next SOGA or SOGA subcommittee meeting and should be able to answer any questions which might arise concerning the proposed activity. Following a recommendation form SOGA, the request will be forwarded to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or his/her designee for final approval or rejection.
  4. Cancel Reservations – Should the request be rejected or the activity be canceled, the student organization should contact MU Operations ( 882-7255), 305 Jesse Hall, to cancel the reservation for use of the facility. In cases where space is being held in the Memorial Union or Brady Commons, the Union reservations secretary should be notified of the cancellation.
  5. Tickets – All tickets must be prenumbered. They must clearly state the admission price. Sales tax must be listed separately or the ticket should state that sales tax is included in the ticket price. Different color tickets should be printed for each price category. The tickets must also state organization name, event name, date, and time.
    • Tickets to be used for a drawing should have one portion to be given to the customer and one to keep for the drawing. Both portions must be numbered. The dollar amount must be listed as a donation.
  6. Submit a Financial Report – Following the conclusion of the fund raising activity, the treasurer of the organization must complete the “Financial Report” form furnished by the Center for Student Involvement Office, 2500 MU Student Center, and submit this form to the Center for Student Involvement, 2500 MU Student Center.

Costs & Other Requirements

The activity may not be held in places or at times where, in the opinion of Administrative Services, such activity would constitute a clear and substantive interference with the conduct of classes, study, business, pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or other University functions.

Use of the Hearnes Building and Jesse Auditorium – Student organizations conducting fund raising activities in these facilities may pay a use fee for the use of the facility.

Cost Incurred by the Activity – The sponsoring organization will be responsible for any cost incurred on the part of the University, including clean up, special construction, set up costs, and extra security as deemed necessary by Auxiliary and Service Operations.

  • The recognized student organization may be required to show cash available in an amount adequate to cover contract, set up and other costs prior to approval of the activity.

Food Products – If food products are involved in the fund raising activity, the sponsoring organization must receive consultation and approval by the University’s Health Sanitarian, Environmental Health and Safety (882-7018), 8 Research Park Development Building.

Contractual Agreements – The sponsoring organization must plan its fund raising activity with the Center for Student Involvement Office six weeks in advance if any contractual agreements are proposed. Contractual commitments are to be made by the organization and not by the University of Missouri unless University funds of $500 or ore are being committed.

Types of Allowable Fund Raising Activities

Method/Intent of Activity – Either the intent or the method of the fund raising activity must be shown to be in keeping with the appropriate goals and objectives of the sponsoring organization.

Location of Activity – A fund raising activity which involves outright solicitation of funds with the donor receiving no tangible return, such as a commodity, program, service, etc., shall be restricted to locations inside the Memorial Union and Brady Commons, and/or the mall area outside the Memorial Union and Brady Commons; not more than two locations may be used at any given time.

Staffed Table or Booth – Activities involving the outright solicitation of funds must take place at a staffed table or booth rather than through roving solicitors collecting monies through the area via containers, etc.

Use of Funds – Funds derived from fund raising activities should be used for charity, scholarship, education, and social events of the organization.

Competing with Auxiliary Enterprises – Any on-campus fund raising activity which is judged to compete with any University auxiliary enterprise (i.e., Campus Dining Services, University Bookstore) shall be prohibited unless approved by the appropriate office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. Fund raising activities which are judged to compete with Missouri Students Association or Graduate Professional Council shall be prohibited unless approved by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or the Center for Student Involvement Office.

Outside Support – The student organization may desire to seek the support of an organization or business that is not part to the University. If the student organization and MU guidelines may be obtained from Center for Student Involvement Office, 2500 Student Center.