Environmental Regulatory Compliance & Reporting


Chapter 7

Section: 7:700

Environmental Regulatory Compliance & Reporting

ADOPTED:                             12/20/2021

REVISED:                                n/a

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE:         MU Environmental Health & Safety


The University of Missouri (MU) is responsible for developing and implementing programs and policies to ensure that MU is in compliance with all applicable environmental health and safety regulations and provides a safe work environment for faculty, staff, students, and visitors as outlined in the Collected Rules & Regulations.

Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) has oversight of environmental Regulatory Compliance & Reporting in many areas including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Air Pollution
  • Asbestos
  • Dams & Reservoirs
  • Refrigerants
  • Stormwater / Land Disturbance
  • Underground Storage Tanks


  • Air Pollution
    • The gases and particles which are put into the air or emitted by various sources.
    • Emission Point. The point at which Emissions are released into the ambient air, which include but are not limited to emergency generators, boilers, and parts washers.
  • Asbestos
    • Asbestos Containing Materials.
  • Refrigerants
    • Class I Controlled Substances. An ozone-depleting substance that is listed in 40 CFR 82 subpart A, appendix A.
    • Class II Controlled Substances. An ozone-depleting substance that is listed in 40 CFR 82 subpart A, appendix B.
    • Leak Rate. The rate at which a unit is losing refrigerant, measured between refrigerant charges.
    • Any substance consisting in part or whole of a Class I or Class II Controlled Substances that is used for heat transfer purposes and provides a cooling effect.
  • Stormwater / Land Disturbance
    • Land Disturbance. An activity disturbing one acre or more of land; in environmentally sensitive areas, such as those with sinkholes, caves, losing streams, wetlands, etc., the land disturbance threshold is lowered to 3,000 square feet.
    • Stormwater. Water washed into storm drains and flows into water bodies.
  • Underground Storage Tank
    • Underground Storage Tank system composed of a tank and any underground piping connected to the tank that has at least 10 percent of its combined volume underground.



  • Statutory Compliance. Develop programs and policies to ensure that MU is in compliance with all laws and applicable regulations; to ensure the health and safety of its students, faculty and staff; and to ensure the proper use, storage, and disposal of biological, chemical, radioactive materials, and any other hazardous materials.
  • Training & Documentation. Provide faculty, staff, and students with the relevant rules, the necessary training, and the appropriate resources to comply with standards and regulations, to maintain an appropriately safe work environment, and to maintain appropriate documentation that standards and regulations are being met.


  • Comply with Rules and Regulations. Faculty, staff and students at the University of Missouri have the responsibility and obligation to act in accordance with all applicable federal and state regulations.
    • It is the responsibility of individual faculty, staff, and students to be informed of applicable rules and regulations and to comply with these rules and regulations. Failure to comply with these rules and regulations constitutes possible grounds for dismissal of students and termination for cause of faculty and staff.
    • In unusual situations where the University is exempt from regulatory jurisdiction due to its status as a government entity, faculty, staff, and students still have an obligation for knowledge of the risk and meeting the intent of the regulations.
    • It is also the responsibility of individual faculty, staff and students having actual knowledge that the actions of visitors are in violation of applicable rules and regulations to inform the visitor(s) of that known fact and to take reasonable steps in an effort to stop such action.


  • Deans / Directors / Department Heads and their Designees. Those with projects that may affect these Environmental Compliance & Reporting areas must coordinate with EHS regarding regulatory compliance requirements including, but not limited to:
    • Air Pollution
      • Communicate with EHS in advance when there is an opening, moving, closing, and/or decommissioning Emissions Points.
      • Communicate with EHS when incinerator training is required.
      • Document date and regulatory required maintenance on Emissions Points.
    • Asbestos
      • Communicate with EHS when ACM needs to be removed, repaired, transported, or otherwise handled.
    • Dams & Reservoirs
      • Document date and all maintenance on dams and reservoirs.
    • Refrigerants
      • Communicate with EHS in advance when there is an opening, moving, closing, and/or disposing Refrigerant-containing units.
      • Document Technician Certification on any and all work done to unit(s) that affects Refrigerant.
      • Document date and calculate the Leak Rate each time Refrigerant is added/removed.
      • Document dates of changes to unit if Leak Rate is above acceptable limits.
    • Stormwater / Land Disturbance
      • Obtain Stormwater training upon notification from EHS.
      • Communicate with EHS when there are instances in which Stormwater quality has been affected or Land Disturbance activities occur.
    • Underground Storage Tanks
      • Communicate with EHS in advance of planned UST installations.
      • Provide EHS with UST certification for oversight of operations.
      • Communicate with EHS with UST test results.


For additional information about any safety or health related policy or guideline, refer to the EHS web site or contact us at ehs@umsystem.edu / (573) 882-7018.