Vital Records

March 1999
Chapter 10

Section: 10:050

Vital Records

All University records designated as vital or essential to the operation of the University, and which if destroyed would seriously impair or disrupt normal University affairs, or which by their loss might place the University in a state of legal or fiscal jeopardy, are to be secured by microfilm or other comparable and suitable method.


University departments with records designated as vital records have the primary responsibility to keep these records secure. Regular microfilming schedules or alternate methods of securing these records will be worked out with each department and Records Management. [See also: 10:030 Microfilming Records.]

Designated Records

The following is a list of records that must be secured:

  • Accounting records
  • Construction specification files
  • Engineering drawings of University buildings (original and as-built)
  • Land deed files and easements
  • Medical and dental patient files
  • Personnel records
  • Psychological testing & counseling files
  • Student academic records
  • Student admission files
  • Student loan notes
  • Terminated personnel files
  • University leases and contracts

Official Copy of Vital Records

Where multiple copies of vital records exist, designation of the official copy of record will be made by Records Management.