Chapter 1
Section: 1:200
Payroll Check Distribution
Created: 08/2000
Updated: 01/21/2020
All new hires are required to have their payroll earnings directly deposited in a financial institution that participates in the Automated Clearing House (ACH) program. Requests for an exception to the general policy must be submitted by the employee in writing, must provide reasons and must be approved by campus Human Resources and the University System Controller.
Direct Deposit Form
The direct deposit form [Authorization and Order for Payroll Check-Direct Deposit in Financial Institution (UM 32B)] should be attached to the other employment forms when they are submitted for entry into the Payroll/Personnel System unless directed by campus Human Resources to use an alternate form.
Authorization for Direct Deposit
This authorization shall become effective within 30 days from the date of delivery to the Payroll Department, University of Missouri, and shall remain in effect until the employee gives a written change or termination of this authorization.