Gift Cards

Chapter 2

Section: 2:275

Gift cards

Adopted:  12/2004 UM System; 11/2015 MU Campus
Revised:  08/18/2016; 11/05/2018

Responsible Office
Division of Finance-Accounting Services


Gift Card purchases are allowed to the extent they are governed by an established program and the expense is reasonable and necessary to carry out the mission of the University.

Expanded definition and information for this policy is available under Resources below.



To ensure compliance with BPM 220-Gift Card Policy, the following procedures have been established:

  1. The Gift Card Program must be documented and approved in accordance with policy.  It is suggested the Gift Card Approval Form be used to document the Gift Card Program.
    • Employee Awards: For each campus, the President, Chancellor, or their delegate, is responsible for approving programs that provide gift cards to employees.  See BPM 216 for detailed policy over employee awards.
    • Payments to Research Subjects: If the chartfield string debited is a sponsored project, consult OSPA Post Award to ensure the sponsor allows this type of payment.
    • Awards and Prizes: See BPM 216 for detailed policy over non-employees.
    • Other programs: Requires approval from Campus Accounting.
  2. The Gift Card Purchase Plan must be documented and approved by the Program Administrator in accordance with policy.  It is suggested the Gift Card Approval Form be used to document the Gift Card Purchase Plan.
  3. Remit the Gift Card Approval Form to Campus Accounting:
    • SMS Requisition > Line Comments > Add Attachment
    • Non-SMS purchases email to MU ACCTG Payment Method Approval mailbox prior to purchase.
  4. Non-SMS purchases:
    • Campus Accounting will communicate with Supply Chain for approval.
    • Gift Card Approval Form will be returned to department.  If approved, make gift card purchase as directed and retain form with original purchase receipt.
    • Campus Bookstore gift cards require the Gift Card Approval Form to be presented at The Mizzou Store Customer Service Counter at time of purchase.
  5. Utilize the Gift Card log & Receipts Form to document the receipt and distribution of gift cards.
    • Original Gift Card Receipts must be retained at the department level.
    • Copy of Gift Card Log must be mailed to APSS at least quarterly for non-employee recipients.
    • Electronic spreadsheet of PSHUP Earnings Template must be completed and emailed to MU ACCTG Payment Method Approval mailbox referencing the applicable Gift Card Program or requisition number at least monthly for employee recipients. The spreadsheet will be routed to Payroll for further processing.



Cross References